path: root/src/Common
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Common')
2 files changed, 102 insertions, 627 deletions
diff --git a/src/Common/Dlgcode.c b/src/Common/Dlgcode.c
index a9be17c9..de23d8b1 100644
--- a/src/Common/Dlgcode.c
+++ b/src/Common/Dlgcode.c
@@ -87,7 +87,10 @@
#include <Wbemidl.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "wbemuuid.lib")
-#pragma comment( lib, "setupapi.lib" )
+#pragma comment(lib, "Shlwapi.lib")
+#pragma comment(lib, "setupapi.lib" )
+#pragma comment(lib, "Wintrust.lib" )
+#pragma comment(lib, "Comctl32.lib" )
#define TTI_INFO_LARGE 4
@@ -285,138 +288,12 @@ DWORD SystemFileSelectorCallerThreadId;
-HMODULE hRichEditDll = NULL;
-HMODULE hComctl32Dll = NULL;
-HMODULE hSetupDll = NULL;
-HMODULE hShlwapiDll = NULL;
-HMODULE hProfApiDll = NULL;
-HMODULE hUsp10Dll = NULL;
-HMODULE hCryptSpDll = NULL;
-HMODULE hUserenvDll = NULL;
-HMODULE hRsaenhDll = NULL;
-HMODULE himm32dll = NULL;
-HMODULE hfltlibdll = NULL;
-HMODULE hframedyndll = NULL;
-HMODULE hpsapidll = NULL;
-HMODULE hsecur32dll = NULL;
-HMODULE hnetapi32dll = NULL;
-HMODULE hauthzdll = NULL;
-HMODULE hxmllitedll = NULL;
-HMODULE hmprdll = NULL;
-HMODULE hsppdll = NULL;
-HMODULE vssapidll = NULL;
-HMODULE hvsstracedll = NULL;
-HMODULE hcfgmgr32dll = NULL;
-HMODULE hdevobjdll = NULL;
-HMODULE hpowrprofdll = NULL;
-HMODULE hsspiclidll = NULL;
-HMODULE hcryptbasedll = NULL;
-HMODULE hdwmapidll = NULL;
-HMODULE hmsasn1dll = NULL;
-HMODULE hcrypt32dll = NULL;
-HMODULE hbcryptdll = NULL;
-HMODULE hbcryptprimitivesdll = NULL;
-HMODULE hMsls31 = NULL;
-HMODULE hntmartadll = NULL;
-HMODULE hwinscarddll = NULL;
-HMODULE hmsvcrtdll = NULL;
-HMODULE hWinTrustLib = NULL;
-HMODULE hAdvapi32Dll = NULL;
-#define FREE_DLL(h) if (h) { FreeLibrary (h); h = NULL;}
-#define BASE_SEARCH_PATH_PERMANENT 0x00008000
#define LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32 0x00000800
-typedef BOOL (WINAPI *SetDllDirectoryPtr)(LPCWSTR lpPathName);
-typedef BOOL (WINAPI *SetSearchPathModePtr)(DWORD Flags);
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *SetDefaultDllDirectoriesPtr)(DWORD DirectoryFlags);
-typedef void (WINAPI *InitCommonControlsPtr)(void);
-typedef HIMAGELIST (WINAPI *ImageList_CreatePtr)(int cx, int cy, UINT flags, int cInitial, int cGrow);
-typedef int (WINAPI *ImageList_AddPtr)(HIMAGELIST himl, HBITMAP hbmImage, HBITMAP hbmMask);
-typedef VOID (WINAPI *SetupCloseInfFilePtr)(HINF InfHandle);
-typedef HKEY (WINAPI *SetupDiOpenClassRegKeyPtr)(CONST GUID *ClassGuid,REGSAM samDesired);
-typedef HINF (WINAPI *SetupOpenInfFileWPtr)(PCWSTR FileName,PCWSTR InfClass,DWORD InfStyle,PUINT ErrorLine);
-typedef LSTATUS (STDAPICALLTYPE *SHDeleteKeyWPtr)(HKEY hkey, LPCWSTR pszSubKey);
-typedef HRESULT (STDAPICALLTYPE *UrlUnescapeWPtr)(
- PWSTR pszUrl,
- PWSTR pszUnescaped,
- DWORD *pcchUnescaped,
- DWORD dwFlags
-// ChangeWindowMessageFilter
-typedef BOOL (WINAPI *ChangeWindowMessageFilterPtr) (UINT, DWORD);
-typedef BOOL (WINAPI *CreateProcessWithTokenWFn)(
- __in HANDLE hToken,
- __in DWORD dwLogonFlags,
- __in_opt LPCWSTR lpApplicationName,
- __inout_opt LPWSTR lpCommandLine,
- __in DWORD dwCreationFlags,
- __in_opt LPVOID lpEnvironment,
- __in_opt LPCWSTR lpCurrentDirectory,
- __in LPSTARTUPINFOW lpStartupInfo,
- __out LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation
- );
-typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *IUnknown_QueryServiceFn)(
- __in IUnknown* punk,
- __in REFGUID guidService,
- __in REFIID riid,
- __deref_out void ** ppvOut);
-SetDllDirectoryPtr SetDllDirectoryFn = NULL;
-SetSearchPathModePtr SetSearchPathModeFn = NULL;
-SetDefaultDllDirectoriesPtr SetDefaultDllDirectoriesFn = NULL;
-ImageList_CreatePtr ImageList_CreateFn = NULL;
-ImageList_AddPtr ImageList_AddFn = NULL;
-SetupCloseInfFilePtr SetupCloseInfFileFn = NULL;
-SetupDiOpenClassRegKeyPtr SetupDiOpenClassRegKeyFn = NULL;
-SetupInstallFromInfSectionWPtr SetupInstallFromInfSectionWFn = NULL;
-SetupOpenInfFileWPtr SetupOpenInfFileWFn = NULL;
-SHDeleteKeyWPtr SHDeleteKeyWFn = NULL;
-SHStrDupWPtr SHStrDupWFn = NULL;
-UrlUnescapeWPtr UrlUnescapeWFn = NULL;
-ChangeWindowMessageFilterPtr ChangeWindowMessageFilterFn = NULL;
-CreateProcessWithTokenWFn CreateProcessWithTokenWPtr = NULL;
-IUnknown_QueryServiceFn IUnknown_QueryServicePtr = NULL;
- DWORD idxSigner,
- BOOL fCounterSigner,
- DWORD idxCounterSigner);
- DWORD idxCert);
-static WINVERIFYTRUST WinVerifyTrustFn = NULL;
static unsigned char gpbSha512CodeSignCertFingerprint[64] = {
0x9C, 0xA0, 0x21, 0xD3, 0x7C, 0x90, 0x61, 0x88, 0xEF, 0x5F, 0x99, 0x3D,
0x54, 0x9F, 0xB8, 0xCE, 0x72, 0x32, 0x4F, 0x57, 0x4F, 0x19, 0xD2, 0xA4,
@@ -435,14 +312,6 @@ static unsigned char gpbSha512MSCodeSignCertFingerprint[64] = {
0xEC, 0x7C, 0xB0, 0xC7
- _In_ DWORD dwFlags,
- _In_opt_ HANDLE hToken,
- _Out_ PWSTR *ppszPath
/* Windows dialog class */
#define WINDOWS_DIALOG_CLASS L"#32770"
@@ -973,54 +842,6 @@ BOOL TCCopyFile (wchar_t *sourceFileName, wchar_t *destinationFile)
return TCCopyFileBase (src, dst);
-#if defined(NDEBUG) && !defined(VC_SKIP_OS_DRIVER_REQ_CHECK)
-static BOOL InitializeWintrust()
- if (!hWinTrustLib)
- {
- wchar_t szPath[MAX_PATH] = {0};
- if (GetSystemDirectory(szPath, MAX_PATH))
- StringCchCatW (szPath, MAX_PATH, L"\\Wintrust.dll");
- else
- StringCchCopyW (szPath, MAX_PATH, L"C:\\Windows\\System32\\Wintrust.dll");
- hWinTrustLib = LoadLibrary (szPath);
- if (hWinTrustLib)
- {
- WinVerifyTrustFn = (WINVERIFYTRUST) GetProcAddress (hWinTrustLib, "WinVerifyTrust");
- WTHelperProvDataFromStateDataFn = (WTHELPERPROVDATAFROMSTATEDATA) GetProcAddress (hWinTrustLib, "WTHelperProvDataFromStateData");
- WTHelperGetProvSignerFromChainFn = (WTHELPERGETPROVSIGNERFROMCHAIN) GetProcAddress (hWinTrustLib, "WTHelperGetProvSignerFromChain");
- WTHelperGetProvCertFromChainFn = (WTHELPERGETPROVCERTFROMCHAIN) GetProcAddress (hWinTrustLib, "WTHelperGetProvCertFromChain");
- if ( !WinVerifyTrustFn
- || !WTHelperProvDataFromStateDataFn
- || !WTHelperGetProvSignerFromChainFn
- || !WTHelperGetProvCertFromChainFn)
- {
- FreeLibrary (hWinTrustLib);
- hWinTrustLib = NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- if (hWinTrustLib)
- return TRUE;
- else
- return FALSE;
-static void FinalizeWintrust()
- if (hWinTrustLib)
- {
- FreeLibrary (hWinTrustLib);
- hWinTrustLib = NULL;
- }
BOOL VerifyModuleSignature (const wchar_t* path)
@@ -1051,9 +872,6 @@ BOOL VerifyModuleSignature (const wchar_t* path)
if (filePath [wcslen (filePath) - 1] == L'"')
filePath [wcslen (filePath) - 1] = 0;
- if (!InitializeWintrust ())
- return FALSE;
fileInfo.cbStruct = sizeof(WINTRUST_FILE_INFO);
fileInfo.pcwszFilePath = filePath;
fileInfo.hFile = NULL;
@@ -1066,16 +884,16 @@ BOOL VerifyModuleSignature (const wchar_t* path)
- hResult = WinVerifyTrustFn(0, &gActionID, &WVTData);
+ hResult = WinVerifyTrust(0, &gActionID, &WVTData);
if (0 == hResult)
- PCRYPT_PROVIDER_DATA pProviderData = WTHelperProvDataFromStateDataFn (WVTData.hWVTStateData);
+ PCRYPT_PROVIDER_DATA pProviderData = WTHelperProvDataFromStateData (WVTData.hWVTStateData);
if (pProviderData)
- PCRYPT_PROVIDER_SGNR pProviderSigner = WTHelperGetProvSignerFromChainFn (pProviderData, 0, FALSE, 0);
+ PCRYPT_PROVIDER_SGNR pProviderSigner = WTHelperGetProvSignerFromChain (pProviderData, 0, FALSE, 0);
if (pProviderSigner)
- PCRYPT_PROVIDER_CERT pProviderCert = WTHelperGetProvCertFromChainFn (pProviderSigner, 0);
+ PCRYPT_PROVIDER_CERT pProviderCert = WTHelperGetProvCertFromChain (pProviderSigner, 0);
if (pProviderCert && (pProviderCert->pCert))
BYTE hashVal[64];
@@ -1094,9 +912,7 @@ BOOL VerifyModuleSignature (const wchar_t* path)
WVTData.dwUIChoice = WTD_UI_NONE;
- WinVerifyTrustFn(0, &gActionID, &WVTData);
- FinalizeWintrust ();
+ WinVerifyTrust(0, &gActionID, &WVTData);
return bResult;
@@ -1365,47 +1181,6 @@ void AbortProcessDirect (wchar_t *abortMsg)
// Note that this function also causes localcleanup() to be called (see atexit())
MessageBoxW (NULL, abortMsg, lpszTitle, ICON_HAND);
-#ifndef VC_COMREG
- FREE_DLL (hRichEditDll);
- FREE_DLL (hComctl32Dll);
- FREE_DLL (hSetupDll);
- FREE_DLL (hShlwapiDll);
- FREE_DLL (hProfApiDll);
- FREE_DLL (hUsp10Dll);
- FREE_DLL (hCryptSpDll);
- FREE_DLL (hUXThemeDll);
- FREE_DLL (hUserenvDll);
- FREE_DLL (hRsaenhDll);
- FREE_DLL (himm32dll);
- FREE_DLL (hfltlibdll);
- FREE_DLL (hframedyndll);
- FREE_DLL (hpsapidll);
- FREE_DLL (hsecur32dll);
- FREE_DLL (hnetapi32dll);
- FREE_DLL (hauthzdll);
- FREE_DLL (hxmllitedll);
- FREE_DLL (hmprdll);
- FREE_DLL (hsppdll);
- FREE_DLL (vssapidll);
- FREE_DLL (hvsstracedll);
- FREE_DLL (hCryptSpDll);
- FREE_DLL (hcfgmgr32dll);
- FREE_DLL (hdevobjdll);
- FREE_DLL (hpowrprofdll);
- FREE_DLL (hsspiclidll);
- FREE_DLL (hcryptbasedll);
- FREE_DLL (hdwmapidll);
- FREE_DLL (hmsasn1dll);
- FREE_DLL (hcrypt32dll);
- FREE_DLL (hbcryptdll);
- FREE_DLL (hbcryptprimitivesdll);
- FREE_DLL (hMsls31);
- FREE_DLL (hntmartadll);
- FREE_DLL (hwinscarddll);
- FREE_DLL (hmsvcrtdll);
- FREE_DLL (hAdvapi32Dll);
exit (1);
@@ -1424,46 +1199,6 @@ void AbortProcess (char *stringId)
#ifndef VC_COMREG
void AbortProcessSilent (void)
- FREE_DLL (hRichEditDll);
- FREE_DLL (hComctl32Dll);
- FREE_DLL (hSetupDll);
- FREE_DLL (hShlwapiDll);
- FREE_DLL (hProfApiDll);
- FREE_DLL (hUsp10Dll);
- FREE_DLL (hCryptSpDll);
- FREE_DLL (hUXThemeDll);
- FREE_DLL (hUserenvDll);
- FREE_DLL (hRsaenhDll);
- FREE_DLL (himm32dll);
- FREE_DLL (hfltlibdll);
- FREE_DLL (hframedyndll);
- FREE_DLL (hpsapidll);
- FREE_DLL (hsecur32dll);
- FREE_DLL (hnetapi32dll);
- FREE_DLL (hauthzdll);
- FREE_DLL (hxmllitedll);
- FREE_DLL (hmprdll);
- FREE_DLL (hsppdll);
- FREE_DLL (vssapidll);
- FREE_DLL (hvsstracedll);
- FREE_DLL (hCryptSpDll);
- FREE_DLL (hcfgmgr32dll);
- FREE_DLL (hdevobjdll);
- FREE_DLL (hpowrprofdll);
- FREE_DLL (hsspiclidll);
- FREE_DLL (hcryptbasedll);
- FREE_DLL (hdwmapidll);
- FREE_DLL (hmsasn1dll);
- FREE_DLL (hcrypt32dll);
- FREE_DLL (hbcryptdll);
- FREE_DLL (hbcryptprimitivesdll);
- FREE_DLL (hMsls31);
- FREE_DLL (hntmartadll);
- FREE_DLL (hwinscarddll);
- FREE_DLL (hmsvcrtdll);
- FREE_DLL (hAdvapi32Dll);
// Note that this function also causes localcleanup() to be called (see atexit())
exit (1);
@@ -3679,24 +3414,27 @@ void DoPostInstallTasks (HWND hwndDlg)
SavePostInstallTasksSettings (TC_POST_INSTALL_CFG_REMOVE_ALL);
-static void LoadSystemDll (LPCTSTR szModuleName, HMODULE *pHandle, BOOL bIgnoreError, const char* srcPos)
- wchar_t dllPath[MAX_PATH];
- /* Load dll explictely from System32 to avoid Dll hijacking attacks*/
- if (!GetSystemDirectory(dllPath, MAX_PATH))
- StringCbCopyW(dllPath, sizeof(dllPath), L"C:\\Windows\\System32");
- StringCbCatW(dllPath, sizeof(dllPath), L"\\");
- StringCbCatW(dllPath, sizeof(dllPath), szModuleName);
- if (((*pHandle = LoadLibrary(dllPath)) == NULL) && !bIgnoreError)
+#ifndef SETUP_DLL
+// Use an idea proposed in
+// it allows to set safe DLL search mode for the entire process very early on, before even the CRT is initialized and global constructors are called
+#pragma comment(linker, "/ENTRY:CustomMainCrtStartup")
+extern "C" {
+ int wWinMainCRTStartup();
+ int APIENTRY CustomMainCrtStartup()
- // This error is fatal
- handleWin32Error (NULL, srcPos);
- AbortProcess ("INIT_DLL");
+ SetDefaultDllDirectoriesPtr SetDefaultDllDirectoriesFn = NULL;
+ SetDefaultDllDirectoriesFn = (SetDefaultDllDirectoriesPtr) GetProcAddress (GetModuleHandle(L"kernel32.dll"), "SetDefaultDllDirectories");
+ if (SetDefaultDllDirectoriesFn)
+ {
+ /* remove current directory from dll search path */
+ SetDllDirectoryW (L"");
+ // Force loading dlls from system32 directory only
+ SetDefaultDllDirectoriesFn (LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32);
+ }
+ return wWinMainCRTStartup();
/* InitApp - initialize the application, this function is called once in the
applications WinMain function, but before the main dialog has been created */
@@ -3704,156 +3442,46 @@ void InitApp (HINSTANCE hInstance, wchar_t *lpszCommandLine)
char langId[6];
- InitCommonControlsPtr InitCommonControlsFn = NULL;
+ SetDefaultDllDirectoriesPtr SetDefaultDllDirectoriesFn = NULL;
+#if !defined(SETUP)
wchar_t modPath[MAX_PATH];
- GetModuleFileNameW (NULL, modPath, ARRAYSIZE (modPath));
- /* remove current directory from dll search path */
- SetDllDirectoryFn = (SetDllDirectoryPtr) GetProcAddress (GetModuleHandle(L"kernel32.dll"), "SetDllDirectoryW");
- SetSearchPathModeFn = (SetSearchPathModePtr) GetProcAddress (GetModuleHandle(L"kernel32.dll"), "SetSearchPathMode");
- SetDefaultDllDirectoriesFn = (SetDefaultDllDirectoriesPtr) GetProcAddress (GetModuleHandle(L"kernel32.dll"), "SetDefaultDllDirectories");
- if (SetDllDirectoryFn)
- SetDllDirectoryFn (L"");
- if (SetSearchPathModeFn)
- if (SetDefaultDllDirectoriesFn)
- SetDefaultDllDirectoriesFn (LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32);
- InitOSVersionInfo();
- VirtualLock (&CmdTokenPin, sizeof (CmdTokenPin));
- InitGlobalLocks ();
- LoadSystemDll (L"msvcrt.dll", &hmsvcrtdll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll (L"ntmarta.dll", &hntmartadll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll (L"MPR.DLL", &hmprdll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
-#ifdef SETUP
- if (IsOSAtLeast (WIN_7))
- {
- LoadSystemDll (L"ProfApi.DLL", &hProfApiDll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll (L"cryptbase.dll", &hcryptbasedll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll (L"sspicli.dll", &hsspiclidll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- }
- LoadSystemDll (L"psapi.dll", &hpsapidll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll (L"secur32.dll", &hsecur32dll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll (L"msasn1.dll", &hmsasn1dll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll (L"Usp10.DLL", &hUsp10Dll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- if (IsOSAtLeast (WIN_7))
- LoadSystemDll (L"dwmapi.dll", &hdwmapidll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll (L"UXTheme.dll", &hUXThemeDll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll (L"msls31.dll", &hMsls31, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll (L"SETUPAPI.DLL", &hSetupDll, FALSE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll (L"SHLWAPI.DLL", &hShlwapiDll, FALSE, SRC_POS);
+ InitOSVersionInfo();
- LoadSystemDll (L"userenv.dll", &hUserenvDll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll (L"rsaenh.dll", &hRsaenhDll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
-#ifdef SETUP
- if (nCurrentOS < WIN_7)
+ if (!IsOSAtLeast (WIN_7))
- if (nCurrentOS == WIN_XP)
- {
- LoadSystemDll (L"imm32.dll", &himm32dll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll (L"MSCTF.dll", &hMSCTFdll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll (L"fltlib.dll", &hfltlibdll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll (L"wbem\\framedyn.dll", &hframedyndll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- }
- if (IsOSAtLeast (WIN_VISTA))
- {
- LoadSystemDll (L"netapi32.dll", &hnetapi32dll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll (L"authz.dll", &hauthzdll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll (L"xmllite.dll", &hxmllitedll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- }
+ // abort using a message that says that VeraCrypt can run only on Windows 7 and later and that it is officially supported only on Windows 10 and later
+ AbortProcessDirect(L"VeraCrypt requires at least Windows 7 to run.");
- if (IsOSAtLeast (WIN_VISTA))
- {
- LoadSystemDll (L"atl.dll", &hsppdll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll (L"vsstrace.dll", &hvsstracedll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll (L"vssapi.dll", &vssapidll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll (L"spp.dll", &hsppdll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- }
- LoadSystemDll (L"crypt32.dll", &hcrypt32dll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- if (IsOSAtLeast (WIN_7))
+ SetDefaultDllDirectoriesFn = (SetDefaultDllDirectoriesPtr) GetProcAddress (GetModuleHandle(L"kernel32.dll"), "SetDefaultDllDirectories");
+ if (!SetDefaultDllDirectoriesFn)
- LoadSystemDll (L"CryptSP.dll", &hCryptSpDll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll (L"cfgmgr32.dll", &hcfgmgr32dll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll (L"devobj.dll", &hdevobjdll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll (L"powrprof.dll", &hpowrprofdll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll (L"bcrypt.dll", &hbcryptdll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll (L"bcryptprimitives.dll", &hbcryptprimitivesdll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- }
+ // This can happen only if KB2533623 is missing from Windows 7
+ AbortProcessDirect(L"VeraCrypt requires KB2533623 to be installed on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 in order to run.");
+ }
-#ifndef SETUP
- LoadSystemDll (L"WINSCARD.DLL", &hwinscarddll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
+ VirtualLock (&CmdTokenPin, sizeof (CmdTokenPin));
- LoadSystemDll (L"COMCTL32.DLL", &hComctl32Dll, FALSE, SRC_POS);
+ InitGlobalLocks ();
// call InitCommonControls function
- InitCommonControlsFn = (InitCommonControlsPtr) GetProcAddress (hComctl32Dll, "InitCommonControls");
- ImageList_AddFn = (ImageList_AddPtr) GetProcAddress (hComctl32Dll, "ImageList_Add");
- ImageList_CreateFn = (ImageList_CreatePtr) GetProcAddress (hComctl32Dll, "ImageList_Create");
- if (InitCommonControlsFn && ImageList_AddFn && ImageList_CreateFn)
- {
- InitCommonControlsFn();
- }
- else
- AbortProcess ("INIT_DLL");
- LoadSystemDll (L"Riched20.dll", &hRichEditDll, FALSE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll (L"Advapi32.dll", &hAdvapi32Dll, FALSE, SRC_POS);
+ InitCommonControls();
#if !defined(SETUP)
+ GetModuleFileNameW (NULL, modPath, ARRAYSIZE (modPath));
if (!VerifyModuleSignature (modPath))
+ AbortProcessDirect (L"This distribution package is damaged. Please try downloading it again (preferably from the official VeraCrypt website at");
- // Get SetupAPI functions pointers
- SetupCloseInfFileFn = (SetupCloseInfFilePtr) GetProcAddress (hSetupDll, "SetupCloseInfFile");
- SetupDiOpenClassRegKeyFn = (SetupDiOpenClassRegKeyPtr) GetProcAddress (hSetupDll, "SetupDiOpenClassRegKey");
- SetupInstallFromInfSectionWFn = (SetupInstallFromInfSectionWPtr) GetProcAddress (hSetupDll, "SetupInstallFromInfSectionW");
- SetupOpenInfFileWFn = (SetupOpenInfFileWPtr) GetProcAddress (hSetupDll, "SetupOpenInfFileW");
- if (!SetupCloseInfFileFn || !SetupDiOpenClassRegKeyFn || !SetupInstallFromInfSectionWFn || !SetupOpenInfFileWFn)
- AbortProcess ("INIT_DLL");
- // Get SHDeleteKeyW,SHStrDupW, UrlUnescapeW functions pointers
- SHDeleteKeyWFn = (SHDeleteKeyWPtr) GetProcAddress (hShlwapiDll, "SHDeleteKeyW");
- SHStrDupWFn = (SHStrDupWPtr) GetProcAddress (hShlwapiDll, "SHStrDupW");
- UrlUnescapeWFn = (UrlUnescapeWPtr) GetProcAddress(hShlwapiDll, "UrlUnescapeW");
- IUnknown_QueryServicePtr = (IUnknown_QueryServiceFn) GetProcAddress(hShlwapiDll, "IUnknown_QueryService");
- if (!IUnknown_QueryServicePtr)
- IUnknown_QueryServicePtr = (IUnknown_QueryServiceFn) GetProcAddress(hShlwapiDll, MAKEINTRESOURCEA(176));
- if (!SHDeleteKeyWFn || !SHStrDupWFn || !UrlUnescapeWFn || !IUnknown_QueryServicePtr)
- AbortProcess ("INIT_DLL");
- if (IsOSAtLeast (WIN_VISTA))
- {
- /* Get ChangeWindowMessageFilter used to enable some messages bypasss UIPI (User Interface Privilege Isolation) */
- ChangeWindowMessageFilterFn = (ChangeWindowMessageFilterPtr) GetProcAddress (GetModuleHandle (L"user32.dll"), "ChangeWindowMessageFilter");
#ifndef SETUP
- /* enable drag-n-drop when we are running elevated */
- AllowMessageInUIPI (WM_DROPFILES);
- AllowMessageInUIPI (WM_COPYDATA);
+ /* enable drag-n-drop when we are running elevated */
+ AllowMessageInUIPI (WM_DROPFILES);
+ AllowMessageInUIPI (WM_COPYDATA);
- }
- // Get CreateProcessWithTokenW function pointer
- CreateProcessWithTokenWPtr = (CreateProcessWithTokenWFn) GetProcAddress(hAdvapi32Dll, "CreateProcessWithTokenW");
/* Save the instance handle for later */
hInst = hInstance;
@@ -3863,11 +3491,7 @@ void InitApp (HINSTANCE hInstance, wchar_t *lpszCommandLine)
#ifndef SETUP
// Application ID
- typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *SetAppId_t) (PCWSTR appID);
- SetAppId_t setAppId = (SetAppId_t) GetProcAddress (GetModuleHandle (L"shell32.dll"), "SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID");
- if (setAppId)
+ SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID (TC_APPLICATION_ID);
// Language
@@ -3945,8 +3569,8 @@ void InitApp (HINSTANCE hInstance, wchar_t *lpszCommandLine)
exit (1);
- // in TESTSIGNING mode, we support only Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1
- if ( !IsOSVersionAtLeast(WIN_VISTA, 0)
+ // in TESTSIGNING mode, we support only Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1
+ if ( !IsOSVersionAtLeast(WIN_7, 0)
#ifndef SETUP
|| IsOSVersionAtLeast(WIN_10, 0)
@@ -3967,24 +3591,6 @@ void InitApp (HINSTANCE hInstance, wchar_t *lpszCommandLine)
exit (1);
- else
- {
- // Service pack check & warnings about critical MS issues
- switch (nCurrentOS)
- {
- case WIN_XP:
- if (CurrentOSServicePack < 1)
- {
- HKEY k;
- // PE environment does not report version of SP
- if (RegOpenKeyExW (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\minint", 0, KEY_READ, &k) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
- else
- RegCloseKey (k);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
/* Get the attributes for the standard dialog class */
if ((GetClassInfoW (hInst, WINDOWS_DIALOG_CLASS, &wc)) == 0)
@@ -4044,93 +3650,11 @@ void InitApp (HINSTANCE hInstance, wchar_t *lpszCommandLine)
if (!EncryptionThreadPoolStart (ReadEncryptionThreadPoolFreeCpuCountLimit()))
handleWin32Error (NULL, SRC_POS);
- FREE_DLL (hRichEditDll);
- FREE_DLL (hComctl32Dll);
- FREE_DLL (hSetupDll);
- FREE_DLL (hShlwapiDll);
- FREE_DLL (hProfApiDll);
- FREE_DLL (hUsp10Dll);
- FREE_DLL (hCryptSpDll);
- FREE_DLL (hUXThemeDll);
- FREE_DLL (hUserenvDll);
- FREE_DLL (hRsaenhDll);
- FREE_DLL (himm32dll);
- FREE_DLL (hfltlibdll);
- FREE_DLL (hframedyndll);
- FREE_DLL (hpsapidll);
- FREE_DLL (hsecur32dll);
- FREE_DLL (hnetapi32dll);
- FREE_DLL (hauthzdll);
- FREE_DLL (hxmllitedll);
- FREE_DLL (hmprdll);
- FREE_DLL (hsppdll);
- FREE_DLL (vssapidll);
- FREE_DLL (hvsstracedll);
- FREE_DLL (hCryptSpDll);
- FREE_DLL (hcfgmgr32dll);
- FREE_DLL (hdevobjdll);
- FREE_DLL (hpowrprofdll);
- FREE_DLL (hsspiclidll);
- FREE_DLL (hcryptbasedll);
- FREE_DLL (hdwmapidll);
- FREE_DLL (hmsasn1dll);
- FREE_DLL (hcrypt32dll);
- FREE_DLL (hbcryptdll);
- FREE_DLL (hbcryptprimitivesdll);
- FREE_DLL (hMsls31);
- FREE_DLL (hntmartadll);
- FREE_DLL (hwinscarddll);
- FREE_DLL (hmsvcrtdll);
- FREE_DLL (hAdvapi32Dll);
exit (1);
-void FinalizeApp (void)
- FREE_DLL (hRichEditDll);
- FREE_DLL (hComctl32Dll);
- FREE_DLL (hSetupDll);
- FREE_DLL (hShlwapiDll);
- FREE_DLL (hProfApiDll);
- FREE_DLL (hUsp10Dll);
- FREE_DLL (hCryptSpDll);
- FREE_DLL (hUXThemeDll);
- FREE_DLL (hUserenvDll);
- FREE_DLL (hRsaenhDll);
- FREE_DLL (himm32dll);
- FREE_DLL (hfltlibdll);
- FREE_DLL (hframedyndll);
- FREE_DLL (hpsapidll);
- FREE_DLL (hsecur32dll);
- FREE_DLL (hnetapi32dll);
- FREE_DLL (hauthzdll);
- FREE_DLL (hxmllitedll);
- FREE_DLL (hmprdll);
- FREE_DLL (hsppdll);
- FREE_DLL (vssapidll);
- FREE_DLL (hvsstracedll);
- FREE_DLL (hCryptSpDll);
- FREE_DLL (hcfgmgr32dll);
- FREE_DLL (hdevobjdll);
- FREE_DLL (hpowrprofdll);
- FREE_DLL (hsspiclidll);
- FREE_DLL (hcryptbasedll);
- FREE_DLL (hdwmapidll);
- FREE_DLL (hmsasn1dll);
- FREE_DLL (hcrypt32dll);
- FREE_DLL (hbcryptdll);
- FREE_DLL (hbcryptprimitivesdll);
- FREE_DLL (hMsls31);
- FREE_DLL (hntmartadll);
- FREE_DLL (hwinscarddll);
- FREE_DLL (hmsvcrtdll);
- FREE_DLL (hAdvapi32Dll);
void InitHelpFileName (void)
wchar_t *lpszTmp;
@@ -11064,17 +10588,8 @@ BOOL IsSupportedOS ()
MessageBoxW (NULL, L"SHA-2 support missing from Windows.\n\nPlease Install KB3033929 or KB4474419", lpszTitle, MB_ICONWARNING);
- else if (IsOSAtLeast(WIN_VISTA))
- {
- if (OneOfKBsInstalled(szWinVistaKBs, 2))
- bRet = TRUE;
- else
- MessageBoxW (NULL, L"SHA-2 support missing from Windows.\n\nPlease Install KB4039648 or KB4474419", lpszTitle, MB_ICONWARNING);
- }
- else if (IsOSAtLeast(WIN_XP))
- bRet = TRUE;
- if (IsOSAtLeast(WIN_XP))
+ if (IsOSAtLeast(WIN_7))
bRet = TRUE;
@@ -11519,7 +11034,7 @@ void Applink (const char *dest)
StringCbCopyW (pageFileName, sizeof(pageFileName), page);
/* remove escape sequences from the page name before calling FileExists function */
- if (S_OK == UrlUnescapeWFn (pageFileName, pageFileName, &cchUnescaped, URL_UNESCAPE_INPLACE))
+ if (S_OK == UrlUnescapeW (pageFileName, pageFileName, &cchUnescaped, URL_UNESCAPE_INPLACE))
std::wstring pageFullPath = installDir;
pageFullPath += L"docs\\html\\en\\";
@@ -13779,36 +13294,36 @@ void RegisterDriverInf (bool registerFilter, const string& filter, const string&
infFile.Write ((byte *) infTxt.c_str(), (DWORD) infTxt.size());
- HINF hInf = SetupOpenInfFileWFn (infFileName.c_str(), NULL, INF_STYLE_OLDNT | INF_STYLE_WIN4, NULL);
+ HINF hInf = SetupOpenInfFileW (infFileName.c_str(), NULL, INF_STYLE_OLDNT | INF_STYLE_WIN4, NULL);
throw_sys_if (hInf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
- finally_do_arg (HINF, hInf, { SetupCloseInfFileFn (finally_arg); });
+ finally_do_arg (HINF, hInf, { SetupCloseInfFile (finally_arg); });
- throw_sys_if (!SetupInstallFromInfSectionWFn (ParentWindow, hInf, L"veracrypt", SPINST_REGISTRY, regKey, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL));
+ throw_sys_if (!SetupInstallFromInfSectionW (ParentWindow, hInf, L"veracrypt", SPINST_REGISTRY, regKey, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL));
HKEY OpenDeviceClassRegKey (const GUID *deviceClassGuid)
- return SetupDiOpenClassRegKeyFn (deviceClassGuid, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE);
+ return SetupDiOpenClassRegKey (deviceClassGuid, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE);
LSTATUS DeleteRegistryKey (HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR keyName)
- return SHDeleteKeyWFn(hKey, keyName);
+ return SHDeleteKeyW(hKey, keyName);
HIMAGELIST CreateImageList(int cx, int cy, UINT flags, int cInitial, int cGrow)
- return ImageList_CreateFn(cx, cy, flags, cInitial, cGrow);
+ return ImageList_Create(cx, cy, flags, cInitial, cGrow);
int AddBitmapToImageList(HIMAGELIST himl, HBITMAP hbmImage, HBITMAP hbmMask)
- return ImageList_AddFn(himl, hbmImage, hbmMask);
+ return ImageList_Add(himl, hbmImage, hbmMask);
- return SHStrDupWFn (psz, ppwsz);
+ return SHStrDupW (psz, ppwsz);
@@ -13850,10 +13365,8 @@ void ProcessEntropyEstimate (HWND hProgress, DWORD* pdwInitialValue, DWORD dwCou
void AllowMessageInUIPI (UINT msg)
- if (ChangeWindowMessageFilterFn)
- {
- ChangeWindowMessageFilterFn (msg, MSGFLT_ADD);
- }
+ /* ChangeWindowMessageFilter is used to enable some messages bypasss UIPI (User Interface Privilege Isolation) */
+ ChangeWindowMessageFilter (msg, MSGFLT_ADD);
BOOL IsRepeatedByteArray (byte value, const byte* buffer, size_t bufferSize)
@@ -14441,37 +13954,26 @@ void GetInstallationPath (HWND hwndDlg, wchar_t* szInstallPath, DWORD cchSize, B
BOOL GetSetupconfigLocation (wchar_t* path, DWORD cchSize)
- wchar_t szShell32Path[MAX_PATH] = {0};
- HMODULE hShell32 = NULL;
BOOL bResult = FALSE;
path[0] = 0;
- if (GetSystemDirectory(szShell32Path, MAX_PATH))
- StringCchCatW (szShell32Path, MAX_PATH, L"\\Shell32.dll");
- else
- StringCchCopyW (szShell32Path, MAX_PATH, L"C:\\Windows\\System32\\Shell32.dll");
- hShell32 = LoadLibrary (szShell32Path);
- if (hShell32)
+ wchar_t* pszUsersPath = NULL;
+ if (S_OK == SHGetKnownFolderPath (FOLDERID_UserProfiles, 0, NULL, &pszUsersPath))
- SHGETKNOWNFOLDERPATH SHGetKnownFolderPathFn = (SHGETKNOWNFOLDERPATH) GetProcAddress (hShell32, "SHGetKnownFolderPath");
- if (SHGetKnownFolderPathFn)
- {
- wchar_t* pszUsersPath = NULL;
- if (S_OK == SHGetKnownFolderPathFn (FOLDERID_UserProfiles, 0, NULL, &pszUsersPath))
- {
- StringCchPrintfW (path, cchSize, L"%s\\Default\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\Windows\\WSUS\\", pszUsersPath);
- CoTaskMemFree (pszUsersPath);
- bResult = TRUE;
- }
- }
- FreeLibrary (hShell32);
+ StringCchPrintfW (path, cchSize, L"%s\\Default\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\Windows\\WSUS\\", pszUsersPath);
+ CoTaskMemFree (pszUsersPath);
+ bResult = TRUE;
if (!bResult && CurrentOSMajor >= 10)
- StringCchPrintfW (path, cchSize, L"%c:\\Users\\Default\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\Windows\\WSUS\\", szShell32Path[0]);
+ wchar_t szSys32Path[MAX_PATH];
+ if (!GetSystemDirectory (szSys32Path, ARRAYSIZE (szSys32Path)))
+ {
+ StringCchCopy(szSys32Path, ARRAYSIZE (szSys32Path), L"C:\\Windows\\System32");
+ }
+ StringCchPrintfW (path, cchSize, L"%c:\\Users\\Default\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\Windows\\WSUS\\", szSys32Path[0]);
bResult = TRUE;
@@ -14614,12 +14116,6 @@ static bool RunAsDesktopUser(
SecureZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi));
si.cb = sizeof(si);
- // locate CreateProcessWithTokenW in Advapi32.dll
- if (!CreateProcessWithTokenWPtr)
- {
- return false;
- }
if (!ImpersonateSelf (SecurityImpersonation))
return false;
@@ -14697,7 +14193,7 @@ static bool RunAsDesktopUser(
// Start the target process with the new token.
- ret = CreateProcessWithTokenWPtr(
+ ret = CreateProcessWithTokenW(
@@ -14771,7 +14267,7 @@ HRESULT GetShellViewForDesktop(REFIID riid, void **ppv)
if (S_OK == psw->FindWindowSW(&vEmpty, &vEmpty, SWC_DESKTOP, (long*)&hwnd, SWFO_NEEDDISPATCH, &pdisp))
IShellBrowser *psb;
- hr = IUnknown_QueryServicePtr(pdisp, SID_STopLevelBrowser, IID_PPV_ARGS(&psb));
+ hr = IUnknown_QueryService(pdisp, SID_STopLevelBrowser, IID_PPV_ARGS(&psb));
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
IShellView *psv;
@@ -14995,69 +14491,49 @@ BitLockerEncryptionStatus GetBitLockerEncryptionStatus(WCHAR driveLetter)
BitLockerEncryptionStatus blStatus = BL_Status_Unknown;
- wchar_t szDllPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
- HMODULE hShell32 = NULL;
+ wchar_t szDllPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
+ HMODULE hPropsys = NULL;
if (GetSystemDirectory(szDllPath, MAX_PATH))
- StringCchCatW(szDllPath, MAX_PATH, L"\\Shell32.dll");
+ StringCchCatW(szDllPath, MAX_PATH, L"\\Propsys.dll");
- StringCchCopyW(szDllPath, MAX_PATH, L"C:\\Windows\\System32\\Shell32.dll");
+ StringCchCopyW(szDllPath, MAX_PATH, L"C:\\Windows\\System32\\Propsys.dll");
- hShell32 = LoadLibrary(szDllPath);
- if (hShell32)
+ hPropsys = LoadLibrary(szDllPath);
+ if (hPropsys)
- SHCreateItemFromParsingNameFn SHCreateItemFromParsingNamePtr = (SHCreateItemFromParsingNameFn)GetProcAddress(hShell32, "SHCreateItemFromParsingName");
- if (SHCreateItemFromParsingNamePtr)
+ PSGetPropertyKeyFromNameFn PSGetPropertyKeyFromNamePtr = (PSGetPropertyKeyFromNameFn)GetProcAddress(hPropsys, "PSGetPropertyKeyFromName");
+ if (PSGetPropertyKeyFromNamePtr)
- HMODULE hPropsys = NULL;
- if (GetSystemDirectory(szDllPath, MAX_PATH))
- StringCchCatW(szDllPath, MAX_PATH, L"\\Propsys.dll");
- else
- StringCchCopyW(szDllPath, MAX_PATH, L"C:\\Windows\\System32\\Propsys.dll");
- hPropsys = LoadLibrary(szDllPath);
- if (hPropsys)
- {
- PSGetPropertyKeyFromNameFn PSGetPropertyKeyFromNamePtr = (PSGetPropertyKeyFromNameFn)GetProcAddress(hPropsys, "PSGetPropertyKeyFromName");
- if (PSGetPropertyKeyFromNamePtr)
- {
- WCHAR parsingName[3] = {driveLetter, L':', 0};
- IShellItem2* drive = NULL;
- hr = SHCreateItemFromParsingNamePtr(parsingName, NULL, IID_PPV_ARGS(&drive));
+ WCHAR parsingName[3] = {driveLetter, L':', 0};
+ IShellItem2* drive = NULL;
+ hr = SHCreateItemFromParsingName(parsingName, NULL, IID_PPV_ARGS(&drive));
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
+ hr = PSGetPropertyKeyFromNamePtr(L"System.Volume.BitLockerProtection", &pKey);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
+ PropVariantInit(&prop);
+ hr = drive->GetProperty(pKey, &prop);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
- hr = PSGetPropertyKeyFromNamePtr(L"System.Volume.BitLockerProtection", &pKey);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
- PropVariantInit(&prop);
- hr = drive->GetProperty(pKey, &prop);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
- int status = prop.intVal;
- if (status == BL_State_FullyEncrypted || status == BL_State_DecryptionInProgress || status == BL_State_DecryptionSuspended)
- blStatus = BL_Status_Protected;
- else
- blStatus = BL_Status_Unprotected;
- }
- }
+ int status = prop.intVal;
+ if (status == BL_State_FullyEncrypted || status == BL_State_DecryptionInProgress || status == BL_State_DecryptionSuspended)
+ blStatus = BL_Status_Protected;
+ else
+ blStatus = BL_Status_Unprotected;
- if (drive)
- drive->Release();
- FreeLibrary(hPropsys);
- }
- else
- {
- blStatus = BL_Status_Unprotected; // before Vista, there was no Bitlocker
+ if (drive)
+ drive->Release();
- FreeLibrary(hShell32);
+ FreeLibrary(hPropsys);
return blStatus;
diff --git a/src/Common/Dlgcode.h b/src/Common/Dlgcode.h
index 92901b28..904dd888 100644
--- a/src/Common/Dlgcode.h
+++ b/src/Common/Dlgcode.h
@@ -356,7 +356,6 @@ void SavePostInstallTasksSettings (int command);
void DoPostInstallTasks (HWND hwndDlg);
void InitOSVersionInfo ();
void InitApp ( HINSTANCE hInstance, wchar_t *lpszCommandLine );
-void FinalizeApp (void);
void InitHelpFileName (void);
BOOL OpenDevice (const wchar_t *lpszPath, OPEN_TEST_STRUCT *driver, BOOL detectFilesystem, BOOL computeVolumeID);
void NotifyDriverOfPortableMode (void);